Ruby LoneStar

Born on the roadside of Hwy 90 a ruby is found in the desert...

Evolution of the Red Dress Woman

..okay back 'round the beginning of January 'o9 I was tending bar at this little joint in Marathon, Tx I meet this guy who calls himself Chicken George. Says he's a painter changing out an installation at the chicken shack next to James Evans' studio. Boosts of u-tube broadcasting, v-logs. San Marcos, San Antonio. Austin. Compliments my red dress.

Fast-forward July 'o9: Im fired from the bar; chickenGeorge passes on the Sanderson hotel purchase and instead sets up studio in Redford. Come July 4th weekend in Marathon

chickenGeorge installs on top of the chicken shack a weather vane rendition of yours truly, Red Dress Woman. I'm invited to the ceremonious unveiling out on Post Road. chickenGeorge intends shooting a video, as does his cohort Justin but my tardiness induces the men to a rapid plight of alcohol consumption. I arrive wearing the infamous red dress. Supposedly this is the only existing photograph of my arrival. The image is a captured moment drive-by as a Marathon local passed us. (LOve the fuzziness I look like a mannequin)

Then the three of us crash a wedding (somewhere exists video documentation) at the Gage Gardens lastly to find ourselves at an old timey Marathon Independence Day dance. All the inebriated while we ramble of creative antics & tactics...

Canned Hamm blessed I'm ready for my previously determined big move overseas, Europa. However, my Far West Texas departure transgresses into something of a Carlos Castaneda experience landing me south on the Border,, meanwhile Ruby Doppelgänger blossoms out of a counterculture of rivaling folk art painters in a dichotomous arena of ebay & u-tube....

Bosco's first Lady Ruby painting, a gift from CG

The painting (11.75x9) is tucked safely into my record player case lid. The photo was taken by a fellow comrade John Wells during his first Ruby's Redford studio visit. The image is one of several in a photo portrait titled Flowerland and posted onto his Field Lab blog.

A second Lady Ruby painting (9"x12") by Bosco appears in a Ebay auction. Justin secretly purchases the painting then makes an art burial video amongst the desert oasis.

Who's this other woman? an Allegra Rose? the Scruffy Jones?

Best remember the Alamo Lady Godiva!!!

Below is the last video Chicken George shot, Ruby confiscates the raw footage in a feeble attempt to save face because George is nothing but a cowardly chicken!

Guess that sums up any Red Dress Woman/Ruby inquiry
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